
Underground Movies

Now as you've probably seen from previous posts, I tend to find things rather amazing but this does NOT mean I'm easily pleased. No. In my defence, there are some ridiculously cool things out there.

So yes, you've guessed it. I've found something else that totes blew my mind. It's quite old and has done the rounds on t'internet already but I liked it so much that I wanted to contribute in sharing it.

(click on image to enlarge)

This came courtesy of Total Film and props to them because you have to admit, it's pretty clever and can distract you for hours. You end up sitting there with your colleagues, laughing and pointing at 'Goodgefellas' and 'There's Something About Marylebone', even attempting to come up with a few of your own and failing miserably. Before you know it, you're still sat at your desk in the office..and it's a Sunday. Not that I'm talking from experience or anything. Anyway, many have attempted to adapt the London Tube Map, but I reckon this is by far the coolest.

1 comment:

  1. Funny. But why didn't they call Notting Hill station, erm, Notting Hill?
