...according to me that is.
Now, don't get me wrong. I don't claim to know of every Tumblr blog that exists but there are certainly some brilliantly funny ones out there.
And here they are:
selleckwaterfallsandwich.tumblr.com - now we start with this one. Why? Because pretty much everyone knows about it already. And it's still funny now even though it's proper mainstream.
lesbianswholooklikejustinbieber.tumblr.com - why did I never think of this one myself?
bubleraptor.tumblr.com - I love the Buble. He's a sexy man.
dadsaretheoriginalhipster.tumblr.com - yeh that's right! Your dad is cooler than you.
ridiculouspicturesofcelinedion.tumblr.com* - Came across this very recently. Who knew there were so many?
rhythmisadanson.tumblr.com - Ok, so this is my own but it's allowed right? It is according to me after all. Come oooooooooon, let me have it. Yes!
sleepylauren.tumblr.com - There are some gems in there which make you 'LOL' or the occasional 'ROFL'.
clientsfromhell.net - You could get carried away reading the whole thing when you don't have anything to do.
flyingscotsman.tumblr.com - Funny Scottish guy with great little finds.
stockphotogirl.tumblr.com - We all wondered but never had the guts to say it. No? Just me then (and the dude wot wrote it obviously!)
So there you have it. Consider yourself spoiled.
* So, they removed the Celine one. Turns out Celine Dion doesn't have a sense of humour. Unfortunately, you will just have to imagine just how ridiculous it was. The levels of ridiculous would be equal to this.
Tumblr offers some privacy when it comes to followers. Unlike Twitter, which is over run with bots and auto-follow programs, Tumblr followers tend to be real followers with a genuine interest in the topic.