
Designer Foods and a hello!

Hello! Yes I do realise I have been away for donkeys. Well, it's been over a month and in the world of blogging that is just outrageous! So I'm very sorry indeed.

A lot has happened in that time. I've got a new job (yay!) as a Social Media Executive and I've just bought a house (more on this another day) but yeh, pretty life-changing stuff isn't it? All good though.

Now the thing that has prompted me to post today is a, kind of, recurrent theme on my blog. I saw it and just had to jump on here to share it. Now for those of you that have read this blog before, (yes, that's right, you...just you...yep...just the one person sitting there reading this. Me and you, it's ok. I feel like we've bonded now) we will know what I mean when I say 'designer foods'. Yes. So while searching the interweb, I find that one of the things that fascinates me the most is designer-based foods. I probably need to get out more...

Anyway, check it out. This is one is from Sip, Chat, Chow. Like me, she likes fashion and lots of food but the difference is she did something utterly creative with it.

Now, let's say you did wake up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy. What would you have for breakfast? Some Gucci Loops perhaps...

And there's a lot more where that came from. You can see Louis Vuitton and Burberry make an appearance too.

Time for me to head off but before I do, I realise that the font on this blog is lame-core if you're a PC user, so I will change it soon. Just for the one person reading this of course. Don't tell me I don't think of you.


Cat Filth

I had to share.

This made me laugh out tears (LOTs).

Thank you to CaptainTomFace for pointing it out.

Source: Reddit.com


The 10 Bestest and Funniest Tumblr Blogs Around

...according to me that is.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't claim to know of every Tumblr blog that exists but there are certainly some brilliantly funny ones out there.

And here they are:

selleckwaterfallsandwich.tumblr.com - now we start with this one. Why? Because pretty much everyone knows about it already. And it's still funny now even though it's proper mainstream.

lesbianswholooklikejustinbieber.tumblr.com - why did I never think of this one myself?

bubleraptor.tumblr.com - I love the Buble. He's a sexy man.

dadsaretheoriginalhipster.tumblr.com - yeh that's right! Your dad is cooler than you.

ridiculouspicturesofcelinedion.tumblr.com* - Came across this very recently. Who knew there were so many?

rhythmisadanson.tumblr.com - Ok, so this is my own but it's allowed right? It is according to me after all. Come oooooooooon, let me have it. Yes!

sleepylauren.tumblr.com - There are some gems in there which make you 'LOL' or the occasional 'ROFL'.

clientsfromhell.net - You could get carried away reading the whole thing when you don't have anything to do.

flyingscotsman.tumblr.com - Funny Scottish guy with great little finds.

stockphotogirl.tumblr.com - We all wondered but never had the guts to say it. No? Just me then (and the dude wot wrote it obviously!)

So there you have it. Consider yourself spoiled.

* So, they removed the Celine one. Turns out Celine Dion doesn't have a sense of humour. Unfortunately, you will just have to imagine just how ridiculous it was. The levels of ridiculous would be equal to this.


Nature Calls

Easily the best thing I've come across this week. I'm not normally such a sap but it's very engaging, brilliantly made and worth a look at...



Rhythm is a Danson

So, the other day my main squeeze and I sat in a taxi listening to the tunage that is "Rhythm is a Dancer". If you grew up in the 90's, you're totally going to remember it and love it too!

He thought it was funny to sing along and replace the word 'Dancer' with 'Danson'...as in Ted Danson of Cheers fame. Cue an endless, and hilarious, night of trying to fit 'Danson' in anything that has the word 'Dancer' in it. We were entertained for hours! (It seems we don't have that much to do...)

Ok, yes, we may be losers but we produced some brilliant ones like this,

...and where did the above come from, I hear you ask? Well, yes, you guessed it. We've got a whole website full of them. You can even follow it on Twitter! Submit some of your own (but it won't be better than mine).


Shoes, Glorious Shoes

Shoes are great, aren't they?

I have a lot of shoes, as do most people but this has to be my favourite by far! And I just wanted to share it with you because it's amazing!

My cousin's wedding is coming up and I'm saving these bad boys for the day. (I hate saving stuff, I want to wear them NOW!)

These ones are KG by Kurt Geiger. If you want you can buy them here. Tell them I sent you. It won't make a difference...just sounded cool. Bye.


Seeeeriously easy going (you know, like the rum...)

Ok. So here's the deal. I haven't been blogging for ages because I've been sunning myself in Mauritius. Let's face it, you're well jel.

I'd upload a picture to give you a little taster but I've grown accustomed to island life and I just can't be bothered to transfer my pictures over from my camera.

Therefore, I shall give you this instead. It doesn't require as much effort because the internet just happened to show it to me earlier.


(click on image to play)


Brand Spotting

So, I came across this very interesting thing today and naturally, I thought I should share.

This one might take up a bit of your time, so Sky+ your TV programmes because you're just going to have to watch them later.

Welcome to 'Brand Wonderland' - it's so beautiful, isn't it? The aim of the game is to see whether you can spot and decipher 60 popular brands. They are all very possible! Some are more obvious than others so, it took me about 40 minutes to get all 60 (I wasn't concentrating much!).

Let's see how you do. Click on the image below to play.

(Switch to English by clicking on the UK flag)


Fat Ho Burgers

What the...why would...anyone...what?

On a less crude note, check this out peoples. You can search any category and Instagram will let you see it. Amazing. Naturally, the default is set to 'cats' (it has something to do with the internet liking cats or something...). I recommend searching for peanuts, because I like the way they look (and what of it?).

I'll have a sloppy ho to go please.


Designer Foods

A couple of months ago, I was thrilled with excitement upon discovering Chanel Ice-Cream. And now, Chanel have done it again! Introducing Chanel Diet Coke...

I really don't know the reason why I have developed an obsession with designer-based foods but something about it makes me so happy and I don't even like Diet Coke...not that much anyway! I'm guessing it might have something to do with the fact that I love fashion...and food, so when the two come together, it blows my mind. The bottles are designed by Karl Lagerfeld, Chanel's designer, and has gone on sale today.


Underground Movies

Now as you've probably seen from previous posts, I tend to find things rather amazing but this does NOT mean I'm easily pleased. No. In my defence, there are some ridiculously cool things out there.

So yes, you've guessed it. I've found something else that totes blew my mind. It's quite old and has done the rounds on t'internet already but I liked it so much that I wanted to contribute in sharing it.

(click on image to enlarge)

This came courtesy of Total Film and props to them because you have to admit, it's pretty clever and can distract you for hours. You end up sitting there with your colleagues, laughing and pointing at 'Goodgefellas' and 'There's Something About Marylebone', even attempting to come up with a few of your own and failing miserably. Before you know it, you're still sat at your desk in the office..and it's a Sunday. Not that I'm talking from experience or anything. Anyway, many have attempted to adapt the London Tube Map, but I reckon this is by far the coolest.


My name is Ambreena and I am an Angry Bird

Good evening and a happy Friday to you all!

So anyone who owns an iPhone will be or has been obssesed by the wonderful app that is 'Angry Birds'. Why, I've heard tales of folk purchasing an iPhone (or any smartphone alike) just because it had been graced with the presence of an angry bird. It's so big, you can even buy the 'Angry Birds' plush toys*.

Now picture this Angry Bird fan. It's your birthday. Your Dad's made you a cake...a cake that is also a real life game of Angry Birds. No, I kid you not. It's beyond your wildest dreams, no need for the 3D glasses you kept to remind you of when you went to see Justin Bieber's 'Never Say Never', it's there in real life and everything!

p.s. I wish he was my Dad.

*Collect them all. Each sold separately. Batteries not included. You had me at 'Hello'.


Get a (social) life

So this week was Social Media Week in London, which saw lots of events taking place around the city, where cool, media-types go and tweet their arses off...including me.

I felt well cool and actually it was rather fun. I had a bit of a busy week at work so it wasn't possible for me to go to a lot of them, although I did plan to!

Anyhow, I attended "10 Ways to suck at Social Media", hosted by Chemistry, which was quite light-hearted and informal. It looked at loads of case studies where companies got it wrong like the Vodafone and Nestle scandal but also where some have got it right, like Old Spice (who knew Grandad deodorant would make such a comeback!?). I thought it was quite interesting and if you want to have a cheeky look at the presentation you can find it here.

I also went to the British Library, where there was a talk from Rory Cellan-Jones, technology correspondent for the BBC, Ian Hogarth, co-founder of Songkick.com, Justine Roberts from Mumsnet and Fraser Doherty, who started SuperJam. They all spoke about how social media helps businesses, including their own. My favourite line from it was Rory saying that MySpace should've worked but "it was run by Californian dudes as opposed to Facebook being run by geeks." (LOLz)

Also, do check out Fraser Doherty's SuperJam because his presentation was hilarious (in a good way) and he was sexy...and Scottish...and he makes Jam.


Lord of my Rings

I wanted to share my Lego ring with you because it is so awesome and I love it!

It was given to me as a Christmas Present...

Imagine the things you can do with it! (Admittedly, I got a bit carried away...)

To get your own, have a look here.


Rap it up

We all know user guides and tutorials can be just so goddamn boring. Lord knows, I've had to sit through a few.

However, a friend of mine sent me this* the other day and it turned out to be very...interesting.

I've watched it about 20 times already (not consecutively, I'm not that much of a loser) and aside from the fact that I've obviously found it quite addictive, I've also managed to pick up some stuff on how to use Adobe Photoshop and what the features mean! How cool is that?! If only all tutorials were like this one, I'd probably be a little bit better at stuff...and work.

Also, it's pretty darn funny. "Ah! An Urban". An Urban?? Brilliant.

You know what else is brilliant? This.

 * There was no bloomin' code to embed, so I've had to link to it instead. (Blimey, that rhymed...)


Regal Rocks

You know when you see something and you want it immediately? Well, I got that feeling today when I saw this,

Now I know some of you will think I'm mad and that I'd look like a royal idiot (eh? eh?) but I think it's rather nice. Definitely a breath of fresh air from your usual tea cups, tea towels and bells. Don't get me wrong, I love those things too, although I don't know what you'd need a bell for nowadays?! That thought goes round in my head whenever I stare at the plate, cup and bell that my mum bought to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee and she still insists that it has to sit on the mantelpiece.

But yeh, nice t-shirt I thought and it comes courtesy of Sainsbury's would you believe, at the affordable price of £10! So go forth and buy it. Wills and Kate are giving us a day off, it's the least we could do to show our support. And you can get Nectar points too...you know, those points that you don't get anything for.


Tiredness Kills (my weekends)

It's Friday!

And I, for one, fully intend on sitting in my pyjamas all weekend, sleep until midday and watch the Eastenders Omnibus.

I haven't had a quiet weekend in so long and I am sooooooo tired (the extra "o's" denotes super-tiredness, which means I am obviously proper tired).

I did, however, come across this weird and wonderful thing today, which might help in my little quest to eliminate my feeling of tiredness...

Watch it in "full-screen" mode and it's surprisingly comforting, a visual placebo if you like. All credit goes to Matt Stafford, otherwise known as, Hirsute Gentleman. Check him out, because he's properly awesome.

Right. Time for me to get into my pyjamas. I shan't be taking it off until Monday morning. Don't judge me.


Because you never know...

It already feels like ages since I last posted!

Anyway, came across this very interesting thing today. It's brilliant! And not to mention, so incredibly useful.

Thank me later...

 To see it in all its glory, click here.


Fun Politicians and Naked Clocks?


I came across a couple of things today which put a smile on my face.

The first - this...

How great is that?! It's exactly what Parliament needs. I think they all need to wear musical ties and join forces to make one massive orchestral, monotone, super-band. It's exactly what this country has been missing for years and not to mention it will make for great TV, where at least 10 people will be tuned in to BBC Parliament on Sky 504 (I know too much...).

The second - well, to be honest, I don't really know where to start with this. It's pretty...weird.
Yes, it's called the 'Nudemen Clock' and well, it's a clock made up of nude men! You can see the real-time clock here. Give it a click and it'll even go all digital on your ass. If you're sitting there thinking "Whatevs, that's well lame. What am I gonna do with that?" Then I shall tell you now that you can download this as an app for your iPhone. Telling the time has never been so fun...and a little weird...and probably a bit pointless.

Well, looks like it's time for me to go...eh? eh? anyone? nothing? ok.


Designer Ice...and I'm not talking about the bling

So next month sees London Fashion Week coming to town and to be honest, I'm neither here nor there. I've not been to any of the shows before. My sister and I planned to go last year and just didn't for whatever reason.

I know if I do end up going, I'll be completely taken in by the glamour of it all, wide-eyed, mouth open and skipping around. I may even turn into the 'Double Rainbow' guy. Who knows?!

Anyway, there is a reason I brought up all this London Fashion malarkey. If there was a reason to go then this would be it,

Chanel Ice cream! No, I don't think you get it, it's Chanel Ice Cream. I stumbled across this while surfing t'internet. Now, I'm not sure whether it's real or not and to be honest I can't really imagine that it would be better than a Wall's Cornetto but it's awesome and it sure is purdy. In fact, it might be too pretty to eat but I can cross that bridge if I ever get to it.

So, there we have it. We now have designer ice-cream. Whatever next?! Gucci chips...oh.


Hello. I am (actually) Ambreena...

...But whenever I tell people my name, they think I'm saying "I'm Breena". So, therefore, there is a small, probably insignificant, number of people out there that think my name is Breena. Which is fine with me.

So now all this name palava is out of the way, I can thank you for coming to visit. Thanks.

I work as an Online Community Manager and Social Media strategist, which makes me sound like a right douchebag but it's fun and normally means I get to meet a lot of people and spend my time on Facebook (it's work!)

And here - I write small, little things about what I get up to and funny/interesting things I find on t'internet. Have a look, it's ok, I guess.

If you want to drop me an e-mail, then feel free. I like e-mails. iambreena@gmail.com